Sunday, September 2, 2012

Happy Hunting Review

*Spoilers for Album 56*

You wouldn't believe how excited I was when I found out that they were releasing a new episode early. I was so happy. 

I kind of looked like this. Except less awesome

Let's give this plot a quick summary. After a difficult day at work, Penny asks Connie how Connie stays so happy all the time. Connie is surprised by this comment. She claims that she's not happy all the time but often times, happiness is a choice. This comment sticks with Penny. Penny comes up with several ways she can choose happiness. First, she chose to buy a pair of cute boots to get some happiness. That doesn't work.

I don't know about Penny but if I got these, I'd be walking around the neighborhood whistling and singing "Don't Worry, Be Happy"

Then she tries running because exercise produces endorphins and endorphins make you happy. This backfires because she tripped down a hill and broke a few ribs because she ran in her new shoes. 

They all go back to Connie and Penny's apartment and Wooten offers to make dinner. He makes salmon by Penny's request because she read that salmon is full of Omega 3s. Apparently Wooten is quite a good cook. Penny ends up having an allergic reaction to the meal. (She'd never had salmon before) Penny ends up going back to the hospital. 

Penny then drags Connie to a happiness support group. (This is kind of a throwback to the Happy Smilers) Connie hates the group and is unhappy. Connie is becoming exasperated by Penny's pursuits of happiness because her positive attitude is annoying. Whit points out that thinking positively has roots in Scripture. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. (Philippians 4:8) Whit then makes the point that the quest of happiness can often be selfish because it focuses on ourselves. Penny then quickly draws the conclusion that to be happy means she must volunteer. Whit tries to correct her but Penny quickly runs with the whole volunteer idea. Somehow, Penny can make volunteering at a homeless shelter dangerous. She managed to dislocate her shoulder when she slipped and fell.

She's been to the hospital more times than I've gone in the past 5 years

Here's the part of the show where Whit comes along and sets everybody straight. This is the part of the show that I've been waiting for. Whit says that Penny had the wrong expectations about happiness. He says that happiness is only an emotion that lasts a short time. Penny counters by saying that she thought God wanted us to be happy. Whit explains that kind of happiness (happiness with joy and peace) can only be found in a relationship with him. Whit further says God has given us a number of things in our life to bring us happiness. Mainly, we have his love and forgiveness but we also have a beautiful world, family, and friends. If we focus on those things, happiness will be there. 

Let me say this, I loved this episode. I love Connie, Penny, and Wooten together. They are so enjoyable to listen to. The dialogue was quick and funny. I thought Wooten and Penny were both great. Penny feels like she's been on the show for a long time. Andre did a fantastic job as Whit. He's now really starting to sound like he's getting the hang on Whit. This was such a classic sounding Odyssey episode except for one thing; the message was about as watered down as you could get. 

At the end, I thought Whit was gonna come in a explain to everyone the problems with their thinking. Well, he did. He just left a big part out. It was a pretty important part. 

Whit was right in saying that happiness was only a temporary emotion. Happiness is the feeling you get when you buy a new pair of shoes, if your favorite song comes on the radio, or if you get an early released episode of Adventures in Odyssey. He was also right in saying that happiness combined with peace and joy is what we get from a relationship with God. He even mentioned one thing that gives us that special kind of happiness is God's love and forgiveness. Then we moved right along. 

Look, there was nothing wrong with what Whit said. He just could have said a lot more. 

Alright, John Avery, explain to me why God's love should make me happy. And why should forgiveness give me joy? Is it that important? 

Of course his forgiveness is important! You are beyond sinful and God demands perfection. Nothing can save you from your depravity except Jesus Christ- the perfect son of God. God, in his infinite love and mercy, gave up Jesus to take on your sins and give you his righteousness. You are now pure in God's sight. Why would God give his son for you? You didn't deserve it. What you deserved was an eternity in hell and isolation from God. God did it because he loves you. 

Let's just take a moment and appreciate how amazing that it. 

That's the Gospel and that is what gives you a combination of happiness, joy, and peace. 

I'm not sure when AIO started weakening the Gospel. I doubt it started with the reboot. I'm sure we can trace it back farther. Maybe it's always been a bit weak. I don't know, but I'm saddened when I hear such a missed opportunity like that. I've been to churches where they mention the name Jesus and they mention love but there's nothing more. You have to tell the whole story to get the point. My dad says if you aren't getting the whole gospel when you go to church, you might as well stay home and sleep in. 

The writers really scored when it came to the story, dialogue, and characters. If they can manage to start writing the Gospel back into the story, then I can see AIO going on for many more years. 

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