Friday, March 2, 2012

Alright, let me be honest with you guys. I am not crazy about this new Odyssey. (I'll call it Odyssey 2.0) I've listened to half of album 51+ 52 and all of 53. I'm was not impressed with 51 and 52 but when I think about it, I shouldn't be complaining. Odyssey has been going on for more than 20 years! The fact that they've been able to keep the original voices of Connie and Eugene is astounding. So, before I start talking about my issues with the changes, I'd just like to say that I will always appreciate Focus. They are still making Odyssey and I'm grateful for that. 

First thing, most of the new characters annoy me. Mainly, Olivia Parker and Emily Jones. Emily's arrogant and controlling while Olivia is just irritating. (I haven't listened to all the episodes so if there are episodes that show their redeeming qualities, please let me know. My opinion is not set in stone.)

Second, the plot are becoming a bit more childish. Now, as I said, Odyssey has been going on for 20 years. They have to run out of ideas eventually so I'm cutting them some slack.

Finally, I hate that some of the old characters like Jack, Joanne, Tom, and Bernard have just disappeared. I'm cutting Focus slack on this too. People leave jobs, die, or retire. I know Walker Edmiston (Tom) died so there's nothing we can do about that. It's inevitable but it is nevertheless one of the reasons I'm underwhelmed.

Okay, I know I'm sounding like a total pessimist but there are good things I can say about Odyssey 2.0. I think the highlight of Odyssey 2.0 is The Green Ring Conspiracy. I was cautious about listening to it at first. I had kinda given up on the series but then I read a review on it and that persuaded me otherwise. GRC redeemed Odyssey 2.0 for me. I thought it was well done and fleshed out some of the new characters. It made me like Matthew and tolerate Emily Jones. (I'll give a full review later)

Anyway, that's all I have to say on Odyssey 2.0 for tonight. Trust me, I'll have more to say on the subject later.

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